Feed, ingredient, egg, water, mycotoxin, and other testing
Our compact laboratory offers feed and ingredient testing, egg testing, and water testing with quick turnaround.
Feed & Ingredient Testing
Proximate by NIR (moisture, protein, crude fat, and crude fiber)
Amino Acids
Moisture (Wet chemistry)
Crude Protein (CP) (Wet chemistry)
Crude Fat/Ether Extract (EE) (Wet chemistry)
Crude Fiber (CF) (Wet chemistry)
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) (Wet chemistry)
Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF)(Wet chemistry)
Protein Quality Testing
Water Soluble Protein
ADF Insoluble Protein
NDF Insoluble Protein
KOH Solubility
Urease Activity
Trypsin Inhibitor
Macro & Trace Mineral Analysis
Minerals (Na, P, Ca, K, Mg)
Trace Minerals (Cu, Co, Mn, Zn)
Egg Testing
Haugh Units
Shell Strength
Shell Thickness
Yolk Pigmentation
Heavy Metal Analysis
All Heavy Minerals
Water Testing
Total Coliforms
Minerals (Ca,Mg,Na,K,Fe,S,Mn,Zn)
ORP (Oxidative Reduction Potential)
Manufacturing Quality Control
Ingredient Grind Size
Pellet Durability Index (PDI)
Coefficient of Variance (COV) of Mixer
Cooler Efficiency Test
Complete Mycotoxin Panel
Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2)
DON (Vomitoxins)
T-2/HT-2 Toxins
Fumonisin (B1, B2, B3)
Ochratoxin (LC-MS/MS)
Neosolaniol (NEO)
Diacetoxyscripenol (DAS)
Gross Energy – Bomb Calorimeter
GMO Testing of Corn
Sieve Analysis
Free Fatty Acids
Initial Peroxide Value
Yeast and Mold Count
Ruminant Animal Protein
Water Activity
This laboratory has three main functions: support for our robust nutrition and quality control program, support for our innovation and research, and services to customers.
We conduct over 90% of ingredient, feed, and process control testing in-house with further expansion planned.
Our laboratory is local, so we can offer faster turnaround, so you can get the information you need to improve your business efficiency.
Quality Analysis Capabilities
Ingredient and Feed Analysis
Analyses can be performed with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and/ or the corresponding wet chemistry techniques. This is especially useful for those who use concentrate programs and need to know the nutrient levels of their on-farm ingredients.
Mycotoxin Analysis
The Wenger Group has a robust Mycotoxin Risk Management program implemented across its mill network. Mycotoxins are toxic chemical substances that are produced by certain molds found in soil and can be detrimental for animals or humans that consume them. We protect your flock or herd by testing for select mycotoxins at the point of receipt for grains using diagnostic strips and also perform a comprehensive test in the laboratory that includes aflatoxins, ochratoxins, T2, DON (vomitoxin), fumonisins, and zearalenones. With our LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass spectroscopy) method not only can we test for a number of mycotoxins at the same time in any feed, forage, grain, or ingredient but we can also detect the mycotoxins at parts per billion (PPB) levels.
Gross Energy Analysis
We are equipped with a Bomb Calorimeter to analyze the gross (total) energy as a nutrient. This is the most accurate method of assessing the energy value of an animal feed ingredient or finished feed and is a unique capability of the Wenger Lab.
Energy is the most expensive nutrient in animal nutrition and has direct and significant impact on the performance and cost effectiveness of a nutrition program.
Nutrient Testing Capabilities
Proximate Analysis
Proximate analysis gives you the big picture of the major components that make up your feed. We can determine how much moisture, protein, fat, and fiber in finished feed. Together, these components comprise 90 to 95% of the feed by weight.
Protein Analysis
The Dumas method of determining Crude Protein takes advantage that all protein contains nitrogen. By combusting a feed or ingredient in the instrument, we can separate the nitrogen, and then calculate how much protein is in the feed. Our modern equipment uses environmentally safe and cost-effective methods to measure crude protein. We have the capacity to run 64 samples at a time and generate a protein result every three minutes. Protein is important as every function in an animal’s body maintenance and production requires protein.
Fat Analysis
While fats and oils do not dissolve in water, they do dissolve in non-polar solvents like ether or hexane. To test for fat, we place a sample in a fiber thimble and then use hexane to extract the fat. After extraction, the solvent is evaporated and then the collected fat is weighed. Our advanced instrument contains the hazardous extraction solvents in a closed vessel and recovers approximately 90% of now clean solvent in a separate container for reuse thereby making this method safe, effective, and environmentally sound. Fats, one of the three main macronutrient groups in a diet, along with carbohydrates and proteins, are the major and dense source of food energy for many animals. They play important structural and metabolic functions. The fat content needs to be balanced. With too little, the animal will be short on energy, and with too much, the animal could reject the feed or not grow as expected.
Fiber Analysis
We have the ability to test for Crude Fiber (CF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF). and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) with our advanced equipment. The equipment automates the process and allows us to test up to 12 samples at a time.
Crude Fiber (CF) is tested by following the Weende method. The sample is ground and then treated with an acid and a base solutions to remove all non-cellulosic compounds. The remaining residue is incinerated and then weighed.
NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) follows the Van Soest method, where the sample is treated for 60 minutes in a neutral detergent with an enzyme to remove all starch. The sample is then dried and weighed to provide us with the percent fiber except for hemicellulose and cellulose part.
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) also follows the Van Soest method, but the sample is treated with a slightly acidic detergent to remove the hemicellulose. The sample is then dried and weighed to provide us with the percent fiber that is the least digestible by livestock.
Fiber comes from the cell walls of plants and seeds, and some parts of plants have more fiber (seed coats) than others (the center of the seed). Knowing the Crude Fiber (CF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) of our ingredients, nutritionists can develop feeds with the right amount of fiber while maintaining the gut health of the animal.
Ash Analysis
To test for Ash we weigh a sample into a crucible, and then place the crucible in an oven set to 600 degrees C or 1,100 degrees F. After two hours we remove the sample and weigh what does not burn. Ash tests for all the inorganic compounds in the feed. These may include salt, calcium carbonate, and phosphate. While the components that makeup ash may be important nutrients like minerals, it helps identify potential contaminants, adulterants, or empty fillers like sand and dirt that provide no nutritional value.
Mineral Analysis
To detect and analysis minerals an ICP-OES is used. To extract the minerals from the samples, the samples and acids are pressurized and heated past the boiling point of the acids in a special designed microwave. This digestion breaks down the feed into its elemental components. Once placed in the ICP-OES the samples are introduced to an argon plasma that operates at 10,000 kelvin. The argon plasma energizes the atoms and ions causing the electrons to move from the ground state to an excited state. As the electrons transition back to a lower energy level, they release light at specific wavelengths and the instrument can detect and measure this light. Minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, etc., are key to skeletal structure, production, and various metabolic processes.
Vitamin Analysis
Vitamins are critical to the health of our animals. The time and cost of vitamin analysis have made monitoring this prohibitive. The Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS) makes vitamin testing cost-effective by detecting organic molecules based on their mass and the mass of their breakdown products. It can detect the amount of that specific molecule in a complicated mixture like feed.
Water Quality Analysis
The Nutrition and Quality Laboratory offers an array of water tests including hardness, pH, iron, nitrates, sulfates, E. coli, and total coliform. Poor water quality can affect the quality of the animals, by interfering with digestion and impacting overall performance.
If you’re using your own feed, we can also test its nutrient profile. Nutrient analysis using NIR spectroscopy and wet chemistry is a service available in our laboratory.
By knowing the nutrient profile of your grain, you can more accurately formulate your feed avoiding costly over-formulation or potentially harmful under-formulation.
Contact us to discuss which support program best fits your operation.
We participate in the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AFFCO)
Water Sampling Instructions
For Coliform and E coli testing please use the sterile sample bottle that contains Sodium Thiosulfate. For additional testing such as pH, minerals, Nitrate/Nitrite and Hardness, a separate bottle will need to be used. Both bottles are available free of charge by contacting the Wenger Nutrition and Quality Laboratory.
- Complete all the label information on the bottles.
- Before running any water, take a clean cloth or paper towel and wipe the inside of the faucet to remove any residue buildup.
- Take a match or lighter and heat the inside of the faucet to kill any surface bacteria that may be living there. Do this for at least 15 seconds.
- Select a frequently used cold-water faucet and allow the water to run for 3-5 minutes for municipal water. Well water should run for 5-7 minutes.
- With the water still running, remove container top and fill to the EPA fill line.
- Close the container.
- Do not remove the lids from the water container before you are ready to fill them.
Samples must be kept cold (less than 50 degrees F but not frozen and received within 24 hours) with ice packs and out of direct sunlight. Water samples can be received Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Grain Testing
Grain samples may be placed in zip lock bag containers, either provided by the Wenger Nutrition and Quality Laboratory or provided by the customer.
- Take two 500 gram samples of the grain, one sample should be taken at approximately ¼ of the grain is unloaded and the second sample should be taken when approximately ¾ of he grain is unloaded.
- Place both samples into a bucket and mix thoroughly.
- From the bucket fill the 1-quart zip lock bag to the top.
- Label the bag with your name, farm name, date of sampling and the testing required.
- The sample should be kept at room temperature.