For all stages of production
We offer strategic feed nutrient management programs for all stages of life that allows your herd to reach their genetic potential.
Whether you are raising herd replacements, preparing animals for the upcoming lactation, or optimizing the production of milk and milk components in your lactating herd, we have a nutrition program that leads to greater farm profits.
Young Calves
We have a variety of options for helping you to make the most of the first stages of life for your calves. Aggressive growth strategies without breaking the bank are the hallmark of our calf feeding programs.
Transition Cows
The nutrition of the modern dairy cow during the period three weeks prior to calving to three weeks post calving needs to be spot on for the best in health and productivity. At Wenger Feeds, we understand the importance of feed quality and proper nutrition to maximize future performance. We help you minimize problems and maximize potential during this time period.
Growing Heifers
We realize that a successful herd replacement program is highly dependent on getting great daily gains on heifers between the calf stage and the pre-fresh stage. We use high forage diets to grow big heifers that are ready to come into the herd and go right to work for you.
Dry Cows
Getting cows ready for the next lactation is a short-term investment that has the potential to pay big dividends over the next year. We fine tune dry cow rations to get them ready for the best possible results in the days and months post freshening.
Lactating Cows
Being profitable in your milk-producing operation is the result of making the best of your home-grown nutrients and incorporating them into diets to produce the most milk and milk components at the best cost while maintaining the optimal health and reproductive abilities of your cows.
With more than 100 years of combined experience in dairy cattle nutrition and management, our nutrition team will work with you to find the best possible methods of converting feed nutrients into farm profits.
Analyzing Farm Profitability
While DHIA calculates IOFC, it does not take into consideration your feeding program, your specific milk check deductions, and your true costs. We do, with the help of our Dairy Profitability Suite.
Our Dairy Profitability Suite (DPS) is available through your Wenger-Hoober Dairy Nutrition Advisor and models your farm profitability using inputs on all your contributing resources.
DPS helps profile your nutrients based on ingredients you carry. Our laboratory offers forage testing, and the results of your tests are loaded into the DPS program allowing you to track results over time. DPS gives you an idea on how your feeds are trending and delivers a complete economic analysis of your forages.
Our Dairy Nutrition Advisors use this information to make feeding recommendations and calculate your cows’ income over feed costs (IOFC) to allow you to benchmark the profitability of your cows.
With your feeding program and your farm information, we use this data to give you accurate IOFC data on each cow, and a complete picture of your herd’s income and income over feed costs. This information comes to you each month when your latest DHIA results are received.
With the help of another component of DPS, the Dairy Profitability Modeling Tool, we can also game plan different scenarios and let you know what your feeding decisions mean to you, your cows, and your business.
With the help of another component of DPS, the Dairy Profitability Modeling Tool, we can also game plan different scenarios and let you know what your feeding decisions mean to you, your cows, and your business.
Wenger Feed’s Dairy Profitability Suite creates a complete picture of your expenses. We analyze your feeding program and farm information to give you accurate IOFC data on each cow, your herd’s income, and income over feed costs.
We offer feeds in both bag and bulk forms to meet the needs of your farm.
Bagged feed delivery is available from our Benton Mill.
Walk in bagged sales are available from our Gordonville Mill and from Country Fresh Market in Benton.
Bulk dairy feeds are available from our entire dairy feed network.

Wenger Feed’s Forage Testing, available through our Forage Testing Unit of our in-house laboratory provides you with the nutritional value of pasture, hay, or silage.


Let our dedicated team of qualified and experienced calf, heifer, dry cow, and dairy cow sales and nutrition representatives help you get more out of your herd.