
To avoid errors, please read your ticket.

Bulk Poultry and Swine Feeds

To avoid errors, please read your ticket. Below is a key to important areas of your delivery ticket.
1. Item number ordered
2. Description
3. Quantity ordered
4. Guaranteed minimum level of nutrients
5. Ingredients listed in order of concentration.
6. Directions for use. It is important to read these instructions particularly if the feed contains medications or is not the sole ration and will be mixed with other ingredients on the farm.
7. Bin delivery information

To ensure you receive your ticket, please have a mailbox installed on your bin or house for our drivers to leave the delivery paperwork. If you do not have a mailbox, we can provide you with one free of charge. As a reminder, drivers will not enter your farm for any reason, so the mailbox must be outside the barn.

Dairy Feeds

To avoid errors, please read your feed tag.  Below is a key to important areas of your dairy feed tag.

  1. Item name
  2. Farm name
  3. Active drug information
  4. Guaranteed minimum level of nutrients
  5. Feeding directions
  6. Mixing directions
  7. Ingredients listed in order of concentration
  8. Cautionary notes. It is important to read these instructions particularly if the feed contains medications or is not the sole ration and will be mixed with other ingredients on the farm.
  9. Additional notes
  10. Applicable warnings
Dairy feed tag